Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Some Cyber Rally-O

Over the Thanksgiving break, I did some Cyber Rally-O with Dean and Tessa.

On Friday, my friend, Stephanie, and I took video of Dean and Tessa running Course 13 P.  It was a very interesting experience.  Some of the exercises in Level 2 Cyber Rally are similar to Rally FrEe exercises, but there are some distinct differences.  I found that transitioning from Rally FrEe back to Cyber Rally was something of a challenge.  I have gotten used to being able to take whatever I get as behaviors at each station.  In Cyber Rally, if the exercise isn't right, it must be retried altogether.

But we got the job done.  Here is Dean running Course 13 P:

Overall, Dean did a very nice job.  This was a Q and he earned his P-CRO-II, which is his Level 2 title in the Cyber Rally-O performance division.  All "performance" means is that the dog is required to work on both sides of the handler.  I like this since it is something we are working on for Rally FrEe, as well.

And here is Tessa's run on the same course:

As usual, she performed with style!  The paw slaps are quite amusing!!

This was also a Q and her second toward her P-CRO-II title.

Because we were that close on her title, I decided to get together with a friend on Monday and video another Level 2 course with Tessa.  Here is video of that run, which is for Course 18 P:

Aside from the distraction around the stop (stand) sign, I would say this was lovely.  Again, style and enthusiasm!!  She is just adorable!!

I haven't gotten results on this run yet, so I don't know if we have the title, but I am happy with the run, in any case.

Right now I am eagerly awaiting results of the Rally FrEe world wide video competition!  We are supposed to have results today, so here's hoping . . .

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