I did, indeed, follow through with my plans to work on the exercises that Tessa didn't know yesterday evening.
I got out a wad of string cheese and we were off and running!
First we worked the back thru. At first Tessa was very hesitant to get herself turned the way she needed to turn to back under my leg when I stepped back, but after a few tries (with tons of cheese), she actually started to get it! By the last rep, she seemed quite willing! This is something that I really hope to put into our upcoming Freestyle routine, so if she can master this skill, I will be quite happy.
Then I got out a barrier and a platform and we did backing. She loves, loves, LOVES to back up to put her back paws on a platform! This was something that Speedy hated, so it's a new experience for me. I really worked having her wait with her feet on the platform for the treat since she will need to be "planted" at a distance in both exercises that she will do this for.
We also did back-arounds. Those are what they always are. I really need to get out my short gates to work on this with her. She does better with those.
Her backing up is good, but she is trying to tuck her rear end behind me. She is getting confused with back arounds. Still, we can use that if need be.
That was about all we worked on last night. Shortly after our training session we were off to Agility class. We did the most interesting exercise at class. Our instructor had a 2 X 2 but the poles where short. We stood at a "neutral" position to the side of the 2 X 2 so the dog could choose to enter and "weave" through. This was different from the way that we have done 2 X 2's before (the Susan Garrett method). The idea of the short poles is to encourage the dog to lower his or her head.
I was shocked that Tessa actually did lower her head as she went through the short poles!! She always holds her head up high as she weaves. She enjoyed the exercise. I want to make a set of PVC 2 X 2's with short poles to work on this with her at home.
Dean did it, too. He didn't catch on as fast, but he did well with it.
Looking forward to getting out the cheese to continue our Advanced Rally FrEe intensive this evening . . .
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