Friday, July 13, 2012

Bits of Progress

This morning I worked with Tessa with the platform again.  She really has gotten perfectly comfortable with me moving all around her, so I went on to the next step.

I tossed a treat into the kitchen and as she scrambled to get it, I set myself up in position and then called her to position (on the platform) and c/t for getting into position and c/t for holding the position for a couple of seconds.

She did very well with that.  She did offer me 2 on 2 off a couple of times!  Hahahah!!  That's fine.  We are cross training, and it will actually do her some good to know that there are different uses for platforms.

I only did easy calls into position, and will continue with that for a couple more sessions.  I think that by the time I make it more challenging, she will be ready!

She wanted to do her pivots, so I got a low round pedestal out and we did those.

Then we worked a bit with the hula hoops, sans most of the beans that I removed last time!

She was hesitant to offer going through a hoop, but she did it.  By the time she had done a few, she was offering it a bit more willingly.  I think that soon she will be doing this quite eagerly!

Then we ended up with some short moving position work.  I got her into position - already her attention in position is markedly improved - and took a single step and clicked as she moved with me, treat stationary.  We did that on both sides, twice.

I am happy with her progress.  I think that she is going to be heeling beautifully, on both sides, very soon!!!

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