This October has been our 5th Tessa Month!! Earlier in the month we celebrated the 5th Anniversary of the day I met her in the shelter when I evaluated her, and then almost a week later, the day I went and picked her up at the shelter and brought her home as my foster. Yesterday was officially her 5th Adoption Day!
Tessa doesn't get a birthday. I have no idea when she was born. But she gets a whole Gotcha Month, and that is extra special for her.
I can't believe how far she has come in just 5 years! It seems impossible that she was ever the shut down and terrified dog who used to stand on the deck and yowl, cowering next to the door, if I tried to separate her from the other dogs to take her somewhere by herself! I can hardly believe she was ever the dog I had to work very hard to get into the car!
Now she is a confident and happy girl and we have so much fun together. Her eyes just sparkle with happiness most of the time.
She is my dream Agility partner. I don't think any dog I run in the future will ever measure up to her in many ways!
Here we are having a bit of fun together. This is officially the best Freestyle performance of Tessa's life!
Happy 5th Tessa Month!! Here's to many, many more!
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